A Good Dating Profile

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While there are a few select spots where it’s okay to fudge a bit in your dating profile, honesty is generally the best policy. But.too much. of it is a bad thing. Anything that hints at past drama or throws up an immediate red flag should not be included in your profile. For dating online, both men and women need to have a good knowledge about how to write a dating profile. This profile will help people know what kind of person you are and what are your interests and expectations. How to Create a Dating Profile. The most important of all tips is that the profile must be short and concise. As we mentioned before, you want someone between 4-7 dating profile photos. The good news here is that he’s got a great smile. Unfortunately, it’s way too close to the camera. He needs to back up so the shot covers everything from his sternum and up. Dating Profile Example #11. Headline: Hi im boring Profile Text: Im a looser,i suck. Profile #3: Grade: A. This is one great dating profile. It consists a number of thought provoking statements right from the beginning that show a woman’s great personality and sense of humor. It’s eloquently written, it’s concise, straight and to the point! It is free of fluff and very compelling for a guy who can appreciate this type of. Sep 30, 2019 What doesn’t work: A long profile that discusses at length things like the meaning of life. Tinder is the dating app to join right now because it’s so busy with people looking to meet people. But because it’s so busy, you have to try really hard to ensure your profile appeals to the right people.

Your written profile is gold mine of opportunity. A lot of guys overlook it. Here's why you shouldn't, plus 25 easy ways to take advantage of it.

Q: 'Why should I spend a lot of time writing my profile? It seems girls only care about messages.'

Free samples of dating profiles

You’re right: good first messages (that start conversations) are absolutely critical in online dating.

Examples Of A Good Dating Profile

Except when girls get a great message, it doesn’t mean we immediately hit Reply. First, we look at your profile.

A Good Dating Profile

Your great first message tells girls to give your profile a shot. What you write about yourself is the final word on whether we reply.

'So my written profile actually seals the deal?'

Yes! Your profile tells girls you’re a fit for us in personality, lifestyle, and sense of humor. Basically, that we’ll like hanging out (and making out) with you.

When we see you have a great profile, we get extra psyched that you wrote us that great message. Now we want to immediately reply to your message before another girl snaps you up!

'What should I write to make her want to reply?'

This article has specific profile tips for your long-game.

In short, the trick is using lots of detailed self-description, and avoiding general descriptions (like “fun-loving” and “active”). Using examples from your life is the best way to do this.

Instead of listing general characteristics (like “active”), ask yourself Why? What? or How? to get to the specific details:

  • Why would you describe yourself that way?

  • How doyou back that statement up in your everyday life?

  • What it is that you do?

  • Why do you do it?

You’ll stand out from other “active” guys when you answer those questions with something specific, like:

“I run a couple miles every day after work. It really clears my head. Zombies, Run! is the best.”

When you use that extra detail, you create common ground and conversation-starters.

For example, that statement above could hook girls who also run to clear their minds, or use the app, or have heard about the app but want to know what you think…or girls who have no idea what zombies you’re talking about and now want to ask you about it!

'What else should I write about to stand out to girls?'

Here are prompts to create conversation-starter specifics in your profile:

1. What do you live to do on the weekend?

2. Describe your ideal Sunday morning.

3. What was the last concert you went to? What did you think of it?

4. What are your short-term goals for yourself this year?

5. What personal qualities make you especially good at your job?

6. What do you like best about your family?

7. What’s your favorite thing to do with your best friend?

8. What aspects of yourself are you most proud of?

9. What activity or moment makes you happy to be alive?

10. What have you worked hardest to achieve in your life?

11. Outside of work, what do you spend the most time doing?

12. What do you wish you did more often?

Remember: also answering Why? What? or How? to these questions gets you those deeper details that girls love.

13. Look at that list of the six things you couldn’t live without. Explain why you couldn’t live without them. It doesn't have to be long and elaborate...

This guy does a nice job of quickly adding some extra personality:

14. What’s one long-term goal you have for the next five years?

15. What characteristics do all your friends have in common?

16. What are you most thankful for this year?

17. What life experiences have shaped you the most?

18. What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? The worst?

A good dating profile

This guy follows that up by answering What? and creates a bunch of conversation-starters:

19. Describe how you’ve been shaped by a person who is important to you: a professor, your nephew, a boss, your grandfather, etc.

20. What are you looking forward to most next month? (If your profile remains active past that event, then revise it to describe the experience you just had – and pick something new you're looking forward to.)

21. What games do you like to play with your friends? (Cards Against Humanity, Catan, HORSE, WOW, DDR – whatever. It’s all good.)

22. What’s your favorite thing you know how to cook?

23. What do your friends ask you to handle at parties? (Beer selection, the music, loosening up guests when they first arrive, etc.)

'I want more ideas!'

24) Be really random:

Being a little random and irreverent can be good. You don’t have to take every question seriously. Let your sense of humor come out! As long as you don’t make a joke out of every question, girls will eat that shit up.

25) Make a list.

Freestyle it for a little bit, listing anything you can think of that you enjoy. You’ll stumble upon some unique facts about yourself! Plus, girls who love the same things will instantly feel the sense of connection.

When I read a list this good, I want to marry it and have its babies:

Basically, as Amelie taught us, there’s something so delightful about an obscure list of things you enjoy:


'How do I know when to stop?!'

A couple of these prompts (for each section on your profile) are more than enough to let your true personality shine through.

Just pick a few that show your sense of humor, some deep thoughts, and what gets you psyched.

Anytime you explain what makes you tick, you’re assuring the right girl that she really wants to reply to your awesome first message.

Don’t be surprised when your inbox blows up.


People are in a perpetual search of love and happiness. With online dating sites and apps, this search has turned into an exciting game. Who knows the rules and plays fair achieves what one seeks. The main principle of the dating game lies in the fact that we are choosing and, at the same time, are being chosen. Although online both men and women are equal in terms of making the first move, women still wait to be contacted. Whether a man will swipe you right/write to you or pass you by depends on how much he gets interested in your personality having scanned your “dating resume”. If you want to stand out and attract the right man, you should know how to write a working online dating profile.

Rules to Follow to Have a Good Profile:

• Make a good photo gallery.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This should be your motto when selecting pics for your profile. Before a man will get down to reading your bio, he will look at all the available photos in your account. There should be no accidental pictures. Each of them should convey something, show you from a new side, be an extract from your real life. Make sure your first photo presents you in the best way. Let other snaps tell a story: what you like, where you go, what you do, how you have fun, etc. It goes without saying that all your profile pics should be up-to-date.

• Provide a “bait” for the reader.

The main aim of your dating profile is to evoke interest in men. They look through dozens of profiles a day, really good ones indeed, but not all of them have that hook that becomes the trigger for starting a conversation. What kind of bait can you incorporate in your bio? It can be a question that follows some fact about you. For example, you can write that you’re a keen traveler and add a leading question asking your potential dates about their favorite countries or places they’d like to visit. This gives a man an excuse to write to you.

• Write more details.

You’re a versatile person, so don’t sell yourself short. Use the opportunity of describing your personality to the fullest. This is no time for being secretive. You need to scatter the baits. Mention your job or education, hobby or passions, vivid traits of character, main values. The more facts that reveal different angles of your individuality, the better. Men look for a congenial woman, so by giving away more details, you increase the number of potential matches that might fall for this or that aspect. Try to comprise different details that make clear what kind of person you are.

• Avoid negative lists.

When writing a female profile for a dating site, avoid lists. It’s very hard for men to focus their attention on text, especially when there are splendid photos of you.

Any person will get tired already at the third item of a list, so if you want to enumerate some of your qualities or interests, give not more than three of them. Avoid mentioning any negative information, be it your dislikes or flaws. You should rather focus on what you appreciate in people and your own virtues. Your profile should radiate good vibes and create you the reputation of a positive and optimistic person.

• Use language that displays confidence.

Gone are those days when registering on a dating service was frowned upon. However, even today, some people find it necessary to excuse their online presence. They write something like, I never thought I’d be using a dating site one day, but here I am. Never do that. Such statements convey only one thing – your insecurity. Even if you’re a shy person, you should compose your profile in such a way that nothing gives you away. What to write about yourself on a dating site? Emphasize your strong points and turn your weaknesses into virtues. Don’t mention that you like to be on your own – all people sometimes do – but indicate your more “sociable” hobbies.

How to Write a Dating Profile: Tips to Guide You

  • Use quotes. A good way to describe your personality is to cite your favorite aphorism. Many questionnaires ask you to share your favorite quote not for nothing. First of all, it shows that you’re a well-read person. Secondly, it can tell much about your personality. It can also work as a bait, as some man may like this or that quotation too, and this will be a sign for him to pay his attention to your profile.
  • Be more than one thing. Even if your main interest is your career, you should necessarily mention your other passions. Your potential mates want to know more about you in order to decide whether you are compatible. So, do open up from various sides. Men will be happy to know that apart from going to the office, you like cooking, do yoga, or play video games. You never know which facet of your personality will attract the right man, so demonstrate them all to boost your chances.
  • Get a little silly. Healthy self-deprecation is always admirable. It shows that you can laugh at yourself, which is indicative of your confidence and knowledge of yourself. You can incorporate some kidding in your bio or add some funny picture to your photo gallery. Silly is always better than boring. So, instead of writing some sweet things, which men don’t find very cute, write something funny.
  • Don’t use cliché phrases, be creative. Stay away from things like, I’m a single woman looking for a man who will save me from loneliness. There are many ways to start your bio in an engaging way. If you want to create a customized and effective profile, you should write from your heart. Your individuality should be in every sentence. It’s always more interesting to read something that was written in one’s own words that copied and pasted with slight changes.

Read good examples. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel trying to come up with an excellent bio. All you need is to read a bunch of good and bad online dating profile examples to attract men.

Examples of Good Profiles

If you want to learn how to write a dating profile that will attract the male audience, you should draw inspiration from checking other women’s bios and use the one you like as an online dating profile template. There are experts that specialize in writing effective bios for women. It is reasonable to use their advice. Over the years, they’ve devised a lot of dating profile examples for women. They can tell at once whether this is a good or bad profile. Here are some really good short dating profile examples.

Short dating profile examples:

1) “My favorite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Zootopia. Hope it gives you an idea of what kind of girl is behind this picture.”

2) “I’m sure there is a person among your friends that likes to plan and organize everything. Well, that’s basically me. Working as an event planner, I create unforgettable moments for people. I never run out of ideas, so I always know what to do on weekends. Looking for a brave man who’ll join me in my adventures.”

3) “Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand. (Kurt Vonnegut)” – it can be that short and catchy.

Examples of Bad Profiles

It’s always better to learn from other people’s mistakes than from your own. Before you get to the real examples, let’s review the most popular mistakes women make online.

Female profile mistakes:

Writing too much. Even if your dating site provides enough characters for the About Me section, you shouldn’t make your self-description too lengthy. Be concise, use conversational language, and avoid generalizations – men like precision.

Being negative. Listing the qualities that would certainly repel you from a man and asking some category of men to skip your profile – be a good girl.

Typos. Although men are not as sensitive to spelling and grammar as women, you should make your profile look immaculate anyway. Always check what you’ve written before you post it.

Creating A Good Dating Profile

Writing something banal. Like telling that you like to stay home with a glass of wine and Netflix. You are not the only one.

Now, check out the following real examples and don’t repeat their mistakes.

Successful Dating Profile Examples

1) “I don’t watch TV. I don’t like slow internet. I don’t like unconfident, mean, indecisive men. Looking for a man who will not hurt me.” – This short bio is replete with negatives.

Writing A Good Dating Profile

2) “I’m just checking this out. I’ve never used online dating sites before but I decided to give it a try. I am …” – Doubting your actions and expressing uncertainty are not at all a good start.

3) “Once a keen traveler who has finally settled in a small town to become a blogger. Can’t wait to hear you’re story.” – A good start, but that typo in the second sentence is really off-putting.

Good Dating Profile Bio

So, what’s the recipe for a good online dating profile? Hand-picked photos that speak for you, a compelling bio that contains a hook, a bit of creativity, a touch of humor, and sincerity. Always keep in mind your audience. Men are visual creatures. They will closely examine your pictures first and only then read the information about you. Your bio should be short but catchy, like a preview that gives a superficial idea but makes you want to see a full version. So, all those expert tips and good luck with your dating game!