Okcupid Free

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If you and another member Like each other, we always let you both know, for free.

Okcupid Free Online Dating

  • If they like you first: as soon as you Like their profile, you'll see a pop-up telling you that you both Like each other!
  • If you like them first: we'll send you a notification as soon as they Like you back
  • We also show you people who have Liked you and sent you an Intro in the intros section.

Okcupid Free

Additionally, if someone Likes your profile, you're more likely to see them sooner in Discover than someone who hasn't Liked you, because we want to make sure to give you the opportunity to Like them back! (And if you Like someone first, that means they're more likely to see you too).

As long as you're active and Like everyone you're interested in, you'll always know who Likes you back, for free.
If you want to see the full list of who likes you (even if you haven’t liked them yet) you can upgrade to Premium.


These cookies may be set through our site by us and our advertising partners to make advertising messages more relevant to you. They perform functions like preventing the same ad from continuously reappearing, ensuring that ads are properly displayed for advertisers, selecting advertisements that are based on your interests and measuring the number of ads displayed and their performance, such. OkCupid is surprisingly well-done for a “free” site. Usually, you get what you pay for, but the mobile app creators of this site have done a fine job of helping you find what you’re looking for (ideally, anyway, assuming your “Likes” actually read your profile and don’t base their decision off of looks alone).


If you still need help, you can email support@okcupid.com